We are so grateful for the amazing projects we have been a part of and the people we’ve met while building the VSA community.
There are some real game changers in this community and we’re excited to show you what they’re up to!

VSA Partners & Collaborations
Biotech Institute
This social enterprise is a hybrid academic–biotechnology research institution focused on basic and translational research in biomedicine and agriculture.
Founded by Prof. Brighton Samatanga in 2019, Biotech Institute’s vision is to be globally competitive in biotechnology.
Uncommon is a nonprofit that brings technology education & employment opportunities to low-income communities in Zimbabwe.
VSA will be collaborating with Uncommon on projects, events and awareness campaigns.
St. Anne’s School
Founded in 1947, St Anne’s School is a Harare based primary school headed by Aurra Nicole that aims to introduce students to STEM at an early age. VSA is working with them to promote STEM by creating content and providing mentorship opportunities for the students.
Harvard University’s LabXchange is a free online platform for science education designed to support differentiated, personalized learning.
Please check out the Visibility STEM Africa, page on LabXchange.